Media Archive

Displaying 76 - 100 of 408

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/09/24 Three Great Reasons Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
06/09/24 Are church traditions wrong? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
06/09/24 The Armor of God Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
06/02/24 Can a baptism actually be wrong? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
06/02/24 Smoke and Mirrors Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
06/02/24 Looking for Signs Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
05/26/24 "Lord, Save Me!" Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
05/26/24 Where did Satan come from? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
05/19/24 Do spiritual gifts exists today? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
05/19/24 Tend and Keep Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
05/19/24 Thanking God I Am Not God Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
05/12/24 Why Was Paul Not Sent to Baptize? Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
05/12/24 How do you get people to come to church? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
05/12/24 Being Made Well Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
05/05/24 Simon and His Humility Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
05/05/24 How to answer those who say, “Well, the Bible doesn’t say you can’t”? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
05/05/24 Crowned With Glory Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
04/28/24 Are the scriptures relevant today? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
04/28/24 Differences Between Israelites and Christians Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
04/21/24 Waking Up Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
04/21/24 If we are not under the Sabbath, why is Jesus Lord of the Sabbath? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
04/21/24 Fasting: Killing the Flesh Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
04/14/24 Jeremiah: You Will Surely Die Bill Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
04/14/24 Peter: Jesus is Lord and Christ Bill Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
04/14/24 Jesus: The Prodigal Returns Bill Hall Sermon N/A Sunday Bible Study

Displaying 76 - 100 of 408

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