
Behind the Scenes

In this article I want to help us stop and think of things that go on behind the scenes that help the church function in an orderly way, to remove confusion and chaos (I Cor. 14:33,40). I will not name names for fear of leaving someone off the list. As for things that are being done, here is a short list that we are to be thankful for (I Thess. 5:18).

  1. Cleaning the building.
  2. Maintaining the building (heat/air, parking lot).
  3. Cutting of the grass.
  4. Preparing the Lord’s Supper each week.
  5. Teachers for all age groups.
  6. Song leaders/readers/public prayers by many
  7. Mailing of the bulletin to our shut-ins and people in the community.
  8. Attending to the sick: visits/cards/calls 
  9. Getting the TV program ready to be aired (other people involved, I just tape and edit).
  10. Welcoming visitors.
  11. Classes being taught during the week.
  12. Taking care of PowerPoint presentations each week.
  13. Looking after the collection/bills paid.
  14. Maintaining the website.
  15. Handing out Bible courses to family and friends.
  16. Praying for all those on the prayer list.
  17. Picking up people to bring to church services.
  18. Those prepared for Bible class.
  19. Members going out of their way to encourage their brothers and sisters.
  20. Those inviting others to services.
  21. There is much more.

The point is, this isn’t just one person. Even though we have elders and deacons, this congregation is a full functioning body (I Cor. 12:12). One member is not more important than another. Let us continue to value each other and be thankful to the Lord for all the workers.