
It Goes for Men & Women

Whenever you talk about the subject of modesty, so often it is just directed at women. As we take a closer look at the scriptures, we see that our Lord doesn’t have a double standard - one for men and one for the ladies. Let’s begin our study by noticing the Lord’s concept of nakedness when giving instructions to men in the Old Testament.

In Exodus 28:42, in dealing with the garments for the priests, it states, “And you shall make for them linen trousers to cover their nakedness; they shall reach from waist to the thighs.” Even though these were undergarments, they were used to make sure they didn’t show their bare skin on certain parts of their body. Obviously, when they would walk, parts of their leg would show, especially if walking up steps or sitting. However, in the Lord’s eyes, to bare a certain amount of the body is nakedness.

This would be similar to what we read about in the Garden of Eden. We are told that when Adam and Even saw that they were naked, they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves (Gen. 3:7). They covered the certain parts of their bodies thinking this was sufficient. As we read on, we see that God gave them tunics of animal skin and clothed them (Gen. 3:21). Notice that this wasn’t just for the woman; it was for the man too.

The question is, has God’s standard of modest dress changed over the course of time? One might think, well, that was in the Old Testament. If we take a closer look at some New Testament passages, we will see that our Lord’s attitude towards nakedness has not changed. Again, I want to emphasize, we are talking about that which is for brothers and sisters alike.

The saints in Galatia were told about the works of the flesh that could cause them to miss heaven (Gal. 5:21). One of the sinful things listed was lasciviousness or lewdness (v. 19). This has to do with absence of restraint, indecency, and the creation of wantonness. Such behavior is rectified with a godly heart. The apostle Paul lamented over those who didn’t repent of their uncleanness, fornication, and licentiousness (II Cor. 12:21). 

Even though in the text of I Timothy 2:9-10, women were being addressed, the principles are for all Christians. Again, too often this text is used to address immodest apparel, when the focus should be on the modest apparel that Paul was wanting to get across. In other words, he wanted brethren to know godliness reveals itself from within which shows outwardly. Not the other way around. 

This is similar to what Peter was saying in I Peter 3:1-4. In this text, the apostle points out that true beauty is not the outward adorning that so many people get caught up in; it is to be the hidden person of the heart (v. 4). Jesus spoke about the heart often to His followers. He said that out of the heart proceeds evil things (Matt. 15:19). Conversely, if you have a good heart, you will produce good things (Matt. 12:35). 

Now that summer is upon us, there is no better time to show those around us that our bodies are not something to show off. Of course, this doesn’t mean we can’t look nice. We all know that the world wants us to conform (Rom. 12:1-2). Obviously, saints cover themselves up and try not to bare so much skin that in God’s eyes it is nakedness. This is why men and women are aware that what they wear in public matters when you jump, sit down, or get wet. Where the world gives little thought, Christians are to be constantly aware. 

Just some additional food for thought as this article comes to a close. Remember the woman with the attire of a harlot in Proverbs 7:10, meaning she had clothing on but was not covered. Also, we all know that when we are standing and wearing shorts that we think are long enough that all changes when we sit down. Let’s all focus on the kind of heart the Lord wants us to have and then when it comes to dressing properly it will be acceptable to Him.